Poetry Compilation: Summer Worn

                                                         Days of Haze       
Long hot summer days
with humid nights
of mist and haze

bring out the lazy
languishing dreams,
a wish to be

sailing o’er the blue
endless waters
awash with summer's hue.   


Breeze Be Mine                                         

Oh, breeze just please
pass over me again
bring some comfort
something soothing
to lower this heat
that is brewing.

Oh breeze oh please
come over my way
once more
whoosh by whilst I
embrace your air
and surround me
with all of your care.                             ⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅

Storms and Dreams

Storms and dreams
come naturally it seems
sometimes one appears in the other.

It’s such a fright
especially at night
as a pair they become
 a nightmare!   
Theresa M.


That Texas-Sized Heat

Once as a young teen I had a hankering for some Church’s Chicken.  Somehow my sisters and I had a bit of change to buy it (was that from babysitting money-I don’t remember).  I was the one who had to go fetch it.

Problem 1:  No transportation other than walking.
Problem 2:  It was mid-summer in the middle of Texas.
Problem 3:  Where were my shoes?

For some strange reason I walked, shoeless, several blocks (ten or more maybe) round trip.  Hot, hot, hot!  From my head to my soles - scorching hot!  I remember walking on grass or in shaded areas whenever I could.  But toward the business district there was mostly concrete.  Ouch is an understatement.

 by jplenio on pixabay

I returned drenched, dehydrated, and a bit delirious (sunstroke?).  Whatever in the world made me walk barefoot in the Texas heat to get us some Church’s Chicken?  Bottom line:  must’ve been hungry.  And I love fried chicken.  Church’s had the best.  It sure tasted good.

Memories of summertime youth are at times dreadful, but have hope.  That Texas heat was hard to beat when you had no air-conditioning and lived in a brick/concrete apartment.  Any time I walked into a place with air-conditioning, grocery store, pharmacy, or vendor, I would pause a moment and mentally seize the coolness, wishing it would remain a part of my being.  And it was so, however briefly, until I stepped out into the sun and then even my tears would melt.

A drink of ice cold water or less often a Dr. Pepper was an ecstatic experience.  I remember seeing a commercial, I think it was for 7-Up, where the beverage was continually being poured into a glass with ice.  It kept pouring endlessly.  I had wished so much I could have that magical thirst-quencher.  It’s like a wistful dream, cooling the edges of my warm sleepiness, but then awakening to a reality of an empty glass.
📷 by Ron Kroetz on flickr

Now all grown up I have more choices, and am ever so grateful.  There is air-conditioning if I want it.  I drink lots of cold water (and occasionally Dr. Pepper).  There is no Church’s Chicken franchises where I live now.  There is a KFC.  But I don’t have to walk there in the heat.  I can drive in an air-conditioned car.  With my shoes on.  If I want to.    Theresa M.

         P.S.   Life is good. 😎

📷 by Roger Madden
SHOES!!!! 😉😄😎

Hate to Break It To You...

   “Give me a break!” What does that really mean? A break as in a coffee break, where you don’t really have coffee but maybe have a smoke (ugh!-not me!) or call someone (who does that anymore when people are constantly texting)?

   Is the break a breather between sentences, like “let me get a word in?” Like a sentence break?

   Or “brake” where you need to have everything halted (“put the brakes on”), then choose another direction.

   Yeah, another direction, away from the person you’ve demanded a break/brake from. They can be so full of it, right?

   Be careful if to whom you’re saying “give me a break” doesn’t clearly understand your language. You might find they misinterpret you and they go to try to smash you into pieces! What a breakdown they would be having! Then you would have to breakout of the situation, and likely breakup your relationship with them, at breakneck speed, to save your life of course, provided they don’t halt your progress by slamming down their own brakes.

   Yet even if this all happened, there is a chance you could open the communication further, and have a breakthrough in your relationship. I’m glad I could break this all down for you.

   (No one was harmed during the writing of this essay.) Now I’m going to go take a … rest. 
Theresa M

The Stupid Generation

We’ve all been in one, some aptly-named generation.  Whether it’s the “greatest,” the “babyboomers,” the “gen-x” or some other, supposedly it describes the significance of an era where a set of people grew up.

I’m not going to talk about mine.  But I am going to predict a future one:  The Stupid Generation.  It may or may not have already started.

image by OpenClipart-Vectors on pixabay

What is the Stupid Generation you ask?  Well for starters we’ll call them the SG’s for now.  That in itself is an example of how they live their lives, reducing words to initials or acronyms.

You see I think we’re not too far away from the SG era.  People have been, for some time now, texting and tweeting “mini-words” and initials.  We’ve started reducing our respect for the English language, the context, pretext, the text we read and text we send.  (Let’s not even look at emoticons here 👀👀!  Whatever happened to memorandums?  Yes, they turned into shortened versions called memos, but what happened to them? (IDK)

Soon we won’t even be typing these words; many already use voice command on the phones and computers.  And then there is Alexa, the lady who rules households everywhere!  Wow, such faith and trust in a machine that talks.  Woo hoo!

The Stupid Generation will also come around because we have been negligent with numbers.  Yes, our old pals 0-9 have been disrespected.  We no longer take the time to memorize them in the forms of identifying phones and addresses, or even to calculate our relationships with them.  Just transfer info from one electronic device to another.  Let “it” figure out all that stuff.  Easy as pi.  Why use your brain?

Why indeed.  You notice the predictive text popping up when you type?  It’s like your device is trying to send its own message, not yours.  And at times it does do it.  Just look at Twitter tweeters frequently correcting themselves.  Really they’re apologizing for their machine who apparently does have a mind of its own, and wants the world to know it! (LOL)

I do like using modern-day technology, but there does seem to be an element missing.  Sure the ones who invent these contraptions are using their brains.  Yet it seems that the consumer of such goods lets their personal practice of brain activity slip away.

image by Dystopos on flikr.com

You know the term “smart phone” is aptly named.  Maybe we can start giving out academic awards and scholarships to phones and computers.  Alexa can be our host!  Why should people strive for learning when they can let their technology do it for them?  It doesn’t matter because IT matters!

Now, this is sounding like something someone in a Stupid Generation would say.  Uh oh.  Does SOS still mean help?   ðŸ˜®  😬    Theresa M

image by geralt on pixabay