In Memoriam of Self

Everyone goes back to where they felt loved.  In a memory.  In a thought,  In a hug,  In a dream.” - Linda Valentinis

Memories are stories of our lives.  Stories that are not seen by anyone but self.  And the way something is remembered can be very different from someone else who was within the same experience.

So do our memories tell the truth?  Obviously what is true for one may mean something else for someone else.  I don’t think that makes it any less real.

🎨 kellepics on pixabay

If the memories are not written, then when the person dies, those memories die too.  A person’s whole self dies in more ways than just the physical.

For instance, Alzheimers, or other brain disorder, that eats away one’s memories, one’s self-recognition, is a horrible death.  A long drawn-out one too.  You are you within your memories.  Without them, who are you?

πŸ“· rusterche on pixabay

I no longer dwell on the memories that reflect difficult times.  I do like to reflect on good times, good things.  As time goes on and when and if my mind starts to descend into the hell that is dementia, I hope the last few remaining memories are the good ones, in the chance that as I lose myself, a part of the positive will remain in the shell that I become, so I do not feel so very lost. 

me at 17

I remember me now.  Let it be a good thing.       Theresa M

Cats in Windows

I have always adored seeing cats in windows.  Whether they are my own cats or strangers, I like to wave to them, as if they are there to greet me.  Silly.

πŸ“Έ my cat Lilly

My favorite memory is of my cat Bon Ami who often sat in the front kitchen window with his paws crossed over one another on the windowsill.  He watched me walk up to the door and came to greet me when I was inside.  Unfortunately I never got a picture of that (in the 1990’s) - we didn’t have the convenience of cell phone cameras then.  But I cherish the picture in my memory.

So for your delight as well as mine, here are some cats in windows.  (I put out a hashtag on the bird site recently and hope to see more there too.)  I will note credit to owners if I know them.  If I don’t and you recognize who gets credit please comment to post.  Enjoy!

       Cats in windows

       pose all around the world.

       They’re cute, they’re sweet,

       They’re nosy, they’re neat.

       Just think of all

       the things they see out there.

       I wish they could tell us what’s

       going on everywhere! 


       Theresa M

πŸ“Έ my Lilly & Merci

πŸ“Έ my Lilly & Luke

πŸ“Έ by Stanislav Gerasko

πŸ“Έ unknown source

πŸ“Έ unknown source

πŸ“Έ my Lilly in window

Stars of Wonder

Stars are astonishing indeed.  A twitter friend had posted wondering “if stars whisper secrets, sharing our dreams as they shimmer above.”  To which I replied:

“Stars do share their secrets.  In the quiet of the night as we dream, they guide us back to awakening.  But as we hurry through our day, only fleeting scraps remain.  The stars just want us to know they are our ancestors.  They are waiting for us.  Let us not forget.”

🎨 Larisa-K on pixabay

I feel a deep connection to the stars.  I believe many people do.  This relationship we have is very hard to describe - we feel a kind of hiraeth.  Why else are we so fascinated by their presence?

The next chance you get to see the stars, remember to dream.       Theresa M

It's the Time of Some Season or Other

Appreciate each season, never knowing which one will be the last.

Not sure if spring will be a new thing each year, as the winter times seem to be melting away these days.  Unseasonably high temperatures throughout most of the winter months in recent years seems to be happening everywhere.  Poor Mother Nature.  She must be so confused.

πŸ“· my pic

Perhaps the above poem would provide inspiration for a new poem about the winter that never came.  But I sure hope winter will visit again. I do so love the changing seasons.      Theresa M

Year of the Dragon

Dragons are definitely fascinating!  Were they ever real creatures?  Some cultures believe so.  China for instance.

AI art on pixabay

Many tales center around dragons in various cultures.  Often they are depicted as fierce beasts that terrorize humans.  Actually, the Western culture portrays them as sinister, while Easterners often depict them as benevolent beings.  

But were they ever real?  Maybe, maybe not.  There have been sightings for centuries, yet science denies it as a fact.  I suspect they were a form of dinosaurs that lived until they too became extinct.  

Whatever the case may be, this is the YEAR of the DRAGON in China, the Lunar New Year, February 10, 2024.  The dragon is a powerful symbol to represent opportunities and changes for the better.

Whether or not you celebrate, dragons are a fascinating wonder of the world to read about.  There is even a youtube video about real dragon sightings in Chinese history (link:  5 Real Dragon sightings from Chinese History/youtube )

Fighting a dragon is symbolic of fighting against any demons or evil that confronts us.  Surely we shall triumph!  Behold the dragon.     Theresa M

sources:     Dragons brief history on live science

                  Year of the Dragon China Highlights

                  Year of Dragon Zodiac info

                  Curious Ordinary site

                           a fascinating informative site!


🎨 kalhh on pixabay

St. Blaise

There once was a man who lived in the 4th century, a kind thoughtful man indeed.  He was a physician, a bishop, and later became a saint.  

This was St. Blaise.  Born into noble birth in Sebastia, Armenia, raised a Christian, he eventually became a bishop.  But the Emperor Licinius was hostile against Christians, and had Blaise imprisoned and eventually killed him in AD 316.

Little is known about St. Blaise but that he did love animals.  When he was living in a cave to avoid capture by Licinius, he took care of many animals who visited him.  One story tells that he commanded a wolf to return the pig it had stolen from a woman, and the wolf did so.  

Also he is known for healing diseases of the throat.  Curing a boy choking to death on a fishbone is one of the stories passed down.

I first discovered St. Blaise reading a book called “The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts” by Abbie Farwell Brown, 1900, A Public Domain book.  Therein lies the tale of his life among the animals.  He not only believed and loved the Lord, but also deeply cared about animals and people.  Something in this tale got me to thinking of him as having been a real person, who became a real saint.

I also believe the generations of animals will always remember him too.  In this book, it is said:

“In very old times it used to be the custom of England on the Third of February to light great bonfires on all the hills, blazes in honor of his name.

“And we can well believe that all the little animals come out of their dens and burrows and nests at the sight of these fires, and thought with loving hearts of the dear old saint who so many years ago used to be kind to their ancestors, the beasts in the forests of Armenia.”

St Blaise.  A healer.  Known now for blessings of disorders of the throat.  And known for his kindness to animals.

Let us celebrate his Feast Day February 3rd.*       Theresa M

*In the west, Feb 3rd is celebrated; in the east it is Feb 11th


“The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts” by Abbie Farwell Brown, 1900. A Public Domain Book (free from Project Gutenberg

St Blaise info

St. Blaise britannnica info

The Fable of the Mayfly and the Oak Tree

Wind rustles her leaves on all of her mighty branches.  How many years now?  How many seasons?  Far too many to keep track of the life of an old oak tree.

Folks in the nearby town say she has been here for hundreds of years.  Even long before pictures were taken of people picnicking in her shade, or playing ball along the meadow.

πŸ“Έ Monsterkoi on pixabay

Perhaps 400 years have passed.  The great old oak tree has seen the stars and moon quietly foretell time.  She has also not just seen the sun rising and resting, but also the winter’s snow, the springtime blooms, the summer’s heat drying up the nearby stream, the falling leaves in spectacular colors.  She has witnessed the very essence of life’s cycles.

Pondering all this one particular summer day, the old oak tree was watching a mayfly buzz about.   She has seen those flies many, many times before, but never thought about them twice.  This mayfly seemed happy hanging around.

“Why are you so happy Mr. Mayfly?” asked the old oak tree.

“Who me?  Hee-hee-hee!  I am free now of my larvae and can move about!” replied Mr. Mayfly.

“That must feel wonderful, that you can go wherever you want to now.  I however, am stuck in this same place for hundreds of years, although my leaves get to fly away a little bit every year.  At least the scenery is still beautiful except far over there, where mankind has built a city.”  Miss Oak Tree shook a branch just south of her to point it out.

πŸ“Έ Erik Karits on pixabay

“Well that sounds like a great life you have there, Miss Oak Tree, said Mr. Mayfly.  “But I too cannot travel far.  You see I know I only have today to live.  One day.”

Miss Oak Tree seemed to shudder in the light breeze.  “Only one day?  How can you be so happy?  Why aren’t you sad?”

“Why be sad over something that I cannot control?” asked Mr. Mayfly.  “I have this day.  This moment.  I am alive.  I am free.  I can see, move, hear, taste, touch, all in this very moment I can live life to the fullest,” smiled Mr. Mayfly.

“My goodness!  What a wonderful attitude Mr. Mayfly,” Miss Oak Tree looked around at the beauty of nature throughout the fields and the stream.  She became somber for a moment, realizing how fortunate she was to have all this, day in and day out, with all the seasons revolving.  Even being able to see the stars and moon.

“You know Mr. Mayfly, I may be able to live hundreds of years, and be witness to many, many things, but I have never thought of just enjoying the moment, appreciating what I have.  I do hope your one day of life will be joyful.  I do believe it is already meaningful.  You mayflies help with keeping the water fresh, help with continuing the balance of life itself.”

Mr. Mayfly smiled, but with a tear in his tiny eye.  “Thank you Miss Oak Tree.  It is good to know I could help in some small way.”

The day shadowed into dusk, the moon and stars began to light up the sky.  Mr. Mayfly flit about, slower and slower.  Miss Oak Tree watched over him.  

Moral of the story: Life ends, life continues, and somewhere life begins again.  Make the most of it.  You never know how much time you’ll be around.         Theresa M

πŸ“Έ Arcaion on pixabay


information about mayflies can be found at Encyclopedia Brittanica - Mayfly

information about oak trees can be found at Discover Wildlife - Oak Tree Facts

Winter Wish


Although it is not as cold as I think it should be, this January I hope for snow.  Now that I don’t have to travel daily, I can remain warm and safe and cozy at home.  I can enjoy watching the snow fall - it is ever so quiet and gentle.  And beautiful, whether it descends in the day or night.

The snow carries a comfort for me.  I’m not sure where this feeling comes from.  Although I do remember one winter, years ago, probably the biggest snowfall I’ve seen, when just about everything shut down.  I was in college, and even classes were canceled.  In the middle of a weekday, I remember standing outside to see and experience the cold white atmosphere.  I lived by a busy highway, yet no traffic was passing.  I lived near a busy grocery store - no deliveries were made.

No tire marks on the roads, no footprints on the sidewalks.  It was incredibly silent.  And peaceful.  I was bundled up, except for my face.  My nose was as red as Rudolph’s!  Cold flakes landed upon me.  I could breathe; I could see; I could feel.  But I could hear nothing.  Quiet beauty surrounded me.

When I went back inside, my two cats were curled up warm and snug.  I got a cup of coffee and joined them.  Feeling very grateful we could be together in this peaceful moment.

I hope for snow.  I want to build a snowman - really!  And a snowcat. 

☃️πŸ₯Ά I want to sense the quietness all around, the white blanket of snow covering the ground.  The joy of everything stopping for awhile, to give us a chance to appreciate what we both have and have not.  Knowing the comfort of being in the moment and feeling safe.      Theresa M