The Fable of the Teeny Tiny Bug Named Lady

The teeny tiny red and black bug tidied up her new teeny tiny wee home in the vast garden.  She had just moved in after a long cold winter under old logs near a house on the grounds.  “My!” she exclaimed, looking beyond her home, “What a wonderful huge garden I have!  I’m so glad I settled in here.”

She then proceeded to plan for lunch, and flew around the garden.  She landed on a beautiful pink and white flower.  Sitting on one of its leaves, she called out to a nearby blue bird.  “What a magnificent garden we have here.  What would you suggest for lunch?”

The blue bird looked at her with each eye twice over, then yelled,  “Don’t bug me lady!  Or I might have you for lunch!” 

“Oh my!” the teeny tiny red and white bug exclaimed.  “You have no manners at all.”  So she flew off to another beautiful flower, this one blue and white, with lovely deep dark green leaves.  There was a gray mosquito hovering about.

“Say, excuse me, Mr. Mosquito.  What would you suggest for lunch in this magnificent garden?” asked the teeny tiny bug.

“Hmmff!  Don’t bug me lady!  I’m busy finding my own lunch,” the mosquito mumbled.

“Well, how rude!” exclaimed the teeny tiny red and black bug.  “I merely asked a simple polite question.”

The mosquito turned his back and buzzed off in search of its own lunch.  Disappointed, the teeny tiny bug once again flew to yet another flower, yellow and white.  Spotting a little bee buzzing about, she asked him, “Hello.  I’ve just moved into this lovely garden.  Can you tell me what would be a good and proper lunch?”

The little black and yellow bee eyed her back and forth.  “Well,” he replied, “I would recommend other bugs.  There are plenty to choose from around here, crawling about, some flying around.”

“Why thank you,” responded the teeny tiny red and black bug.  “I have asked others this same question today and have received rude replies.  It is nice to meet someone kind for a change.”

“Well thank you,” smiled the little black and yellow bee.  “What, may I ask, did these other creatures say to you?”

“They told me, ‘Don’t bug me lady!’”

“Ha ha ha!” laughed the little bee.  “That is funny!  Rude but funny!  Saying ‘Don’t bug me lady’ to a Ladybug!”

The teeny tiny bug laughed along.  “Yes, I guess it is.  What a shame they couldn’t have been polite.  It would have been nice to share a laugh or two with them.  Thank you for helping me see another viewpoint.” 

The tiny yellow and black bee smiled and said, “You are most welcome.  I do hope you find a good lunch here, and find other ladybugs who can help guide you around this lovely garden.  I must go now and collect honey for my queen.  Goodbye!”

As he flew off, the teeny tiny red and black Ladybug waved.  “Thanks friend.”  And then she went about finding a feast to fill her, feeling more positive.

Moral of the story:  Don't let negativity bug you.  Search for positive beings to help you get a new perspective.  Attitude is key.              Theresa M

The Fable of the Busy Worker Bees

“Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up!” the Queen Bee scolded her little minions.  “Work! Work! Work!” she buzzed loudly.

The Queen Bee, named Bizzy, was always rushing her worker bees to produce honey, expecting production numbers to rise more and more each season.  She was a proud Queen Bee, showing off her riches to neighboring colonies.  She wanted to be the best, especially in beeing

The worker bees labored their little wings almost off.  There were few breaks, as they had to fly around frequently to flowers all around, and back to the honeycomb.  Work. Work. Work.  That is all they knew.

Till one day a bee who worked there a long, long time, fell ill. His fellow bees buzzed around him.  “Are you okay?”  “What is wrong?”  “Can I get you some water?”  Worker bees rushed all around the ill bee, expressing much concern.  When Queen Bee Bizzy saw this, she scolded them, “Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up! Work! Work! Work!  Back to the honey-making!” she buzzed loudly.

But the worker bees, including a little bee named Caring, with much concern for their fellow fallen bee, ignored her even though she was the Queen, and continued to tend to their friend, bringing water and nectar.  Caring, the little bee, made sure he rested well.

The Queen Bee, much upset at being ignored, threatened to close down the colony and hire other worker bees.  The current worker bees, now including the ill one, who was recuperating well, decided that was okay with them.  “Actually,” said one bee named Adia, we choose to replace you!”

So they kicked out Queen Bee Bizzy and installed a new Queen Bee.  They chose Caring, who was always a lovely, loyal, little bee friend to others.

Thus the colony continued on, with a happier buzzing atmosphere with Queen Bee Caring.  And as it turns out, their honey was the finest-tasting in the county.  It was positively delightful!

😊 🐝🐝🐝🐝😊

Moral of the story:  Work is important, but so is one’s health.  Take care of one another.  The outcome will bee positive.     Theresa M.