Candle of Hope

Here's wishing you all good happy holidays. Despite all the pain and disappointment from 2020, I believe we can always hang on to HOPE. Start out 2021 with a little candle, share it, and it will shine brighter and brighter.  Let's go into this New Year with our Candle of Hope, and pray for kindness and goodness to be shared among all. Peace to all. God bless.   Love, Theresa M

📸 Joyce Meyer Ministries

By the Grace of God

 Another life taken

another dream unspoken.

Whispers of sadness stream,

fires of anger are stoking.

If only more would care

to show a bit of concern

lives could be saved, treasured.

Does anyone ever learn?

Self-centered ones we beg

some space apart and a mask.

Just moments of your time.

Is this too much to ask?

You do this for the least

among us in all places,

the Lord will see your deed

and anoint you with his graces.

Theresa M

📸 Canadian Cemeteries on twitter