Time Flies When You're Having None of It

Living in the moment is a wonderful experience. Here. Now. Let it be. It does take some practice. It’s kind of like meditation, as you have to let go of distractions that your mind is creating. Silly, I picture my mind’s ego as running around in and out of doors, upstairs, downstairs, looking for something - anything - to focus on other than calmness. As if being calm and focused is a bad thing. Well, it’s not. 

by johnhain on pixabay

Breathe. Just breathe slowly. That is all you need to focus on. OK, if you make funny noises while breathing, I guess that would definitely be distracting. Just another thing to not focus on.

Come on, you can do this. Close your eyes. Wait - maybe not yet if you want to read this through. You would then breathe slowly in and out, and let that ego of yours settle down and stop running all over the place.

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Sit. Breathe. Focus on a scene of calm or a soothing word. Here. Now. Keep trying. Living in the moment is empowering. It won’t matter what time it is. Time waits for no one anyway. *  Theresa M


            * Well, maybe sometimes 😁😏

Let Heaven and Nature Sing

“Let the heavens rejoice,

let the earth be glad;

let the sea resound,

and all that is in it;

Let the fields be jubilant,

and everything in them.

Then all the trees of the forest sing for joy…”

  Psalm 96:11-12 NIV

Flowers are blooming next door, all on their own. No one lives there. Nature looks after them.

Our earth is an amazing creation. Plants, animals, insects, birds, sea creatures - all over the place. Rocks and boulders, fields and lakes, oceans, and trees. God did a marvelous job. Just think how pristine and pure the whole world would be if it weren’t for humans.

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Humans have a right to live here too, among nature, but it’s too bad they have the unfortunate traits of greed interfering with nature’s needs. Too many greedy people have forced their way onto lands and found ways to make profit from earth’s treasures, natures’ bounty of beauty.  Mankind has made its own motto: Profit today at all costs.

Their greed costs the earth’s atmosphere to be depleting, the lands and waters to be disintegrating, and the animals and other creatures to be disappearing.

How sad. What would it take for mankind to reverse this tragic course? Where is the concern, the love, the harmony so direly needed?

Can we just take some time to appreciate this earth? Before no one lives here anymore. Although, without people, I think nature would do just fine rejuvenating.     Theresa M

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